Planning For Charitable Gifts

If you are like most people, you are charitably minded and regularly support your favorite charities. However, have you ever thought about what happens to those charities after you are no longer around to make your annual gifts? After your …

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Final Wishes

If you are like most people, you probably have some specific wishes regarding your funeral and the disposition of your remains. You may want to be buried in a coffin with a burial vault in the ground. Or you may …

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Do Not Take Job of Trustee Too Lightly

You may have been named a successor trustee of your parent’s or your spouse’s trust. I am often asked the question by successor trustees, “What are my responsibilities?” Well your most important responsibility is what is called your fiduciary duty. …

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Trust Protectors to the Rescue-bullets

So you have named your children as your successor trustees of your trust, the personal representative in your will or your financial power of attorney. You may have named your oldest child first as your financial agent because you think …

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