Since it began in 1965, Medicare has provided a basic level of health insurance for the vast majority of seniors. That system evolved into Medicare Part A, which includes hospitalization and rehabilitative care after hospitalization and Part B, which includes …
You May Be a Stockholder and Not Know It
You have had a life insurance policy for decades. It may even have been one of the infant policies taken out by your parents in the 1920s, 1930s or 1940s. Although I wasn’t around at the time, many of my …
Medicare Enrollment Starts October 15
If you are over the age of 65, it is now the time of year to review your Medicare plans. The Annual Open Enrollment Period has remained the same as 2011, October 15, 2012 to December 7, 2012. During this …
New MI Financial Power of Attorney Statute
There are new rules in Michigan for financial powers of attorneys. All financial powers of attorney that you sign after September 30, 2012 must comply with the new rules. If you don’t, your financial power of attorney may not be …
How to Protect Your Property From Yourself
If you are like most people, you are concerned about what happens to your property and other stuff after you become “old and funny.” You have worked hard your entire life to accumulate what you have and you want to …
Taxation of Tax-Advantaged Accounts
I received a text message from my 24 year old son Luke the other day. Luke graduated from college earlier this year. For the first time in his life, Luke has signed up to participate in a retirement program, his …
Healthy Aging
The month of September brings a welcome relief from the hot summer days. Cool evening breezes and colorful foliage appearing on the trees may entice you to walk and bask in healthy fresh air. September has also been designated as …
Cross Train Your Spouse
Today’s topic we have covered before. However, it is a situation in which couples often find themselves, to their detriment. I have come across couples in this unfortunate circumstance many times recently. So I have decided to go over this …
Children’s Accounts May Need to be Probated
In an attempt to do your own mini-estate plan and avoid probate, you may have set up and transferred funds to special accounts for the benefit of children, grandchildren or other relatives. These could be set up under the Uniform …
September Savvy EP Drafting State & EP Docs When You Move
You spend your summers in Michigan. The rest of the year, you live out-of-state in Florida or another state. You have your will, financial power of attorney and healthcare power of attorney and maybe a trust. But they were prepared …