
Tax Increases Likely in 2013

Tax rates are near historic lows. However, these rates are only the “temporary” Bush tax cuts that were implemented in 2001 and are scheduled to expire January 1, 2013. There is currently a stalemate in Washington over what to do. …

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Real Estate in Your IRA

I haven’t discussed IRA real estate investments in a while. I have received a number of inquiries regarding these investments within the last few months. So, I have decided to revisit this topic and update the information for you. With …

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Beneficiary Designations Unwise

If you are like 70% of Michiganders, you have no estate planning documents in place. But you might have attempted your own do-it-yourself mini estate plan through some sort of beneficiary designations. It could be a beneficiary you named on …

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Elder Financial Abuse Is Not Always So Obvious

There has been an epidemic of elder financial abuse in our country. It is reported that the number of known cases of financial exploitation of the elderly in Michigan has quadrupled in the last decade. According to law enforcement officials, …

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Lump Sum Pension Payments

You are a retiree receiving a monthly pension. Your former employer has offered you a large sum of money to take instead of your monthly pension. It sure looks tempting. What should you do? Paying out monthly pensions as lump-sums …

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