If you own your own home you have probably seen a deed. But did you know that the words you use on the deed can make a huge difference on how the real estate is going to be treated for …
Protecting Against Lead Paint
You may own a home and/or other investment real estate. For most people, your home is your single largest investment. You may want to protect that real estate investment and also want to protect you and your family’s health. If …
Half a Loaf is Better than None
Last week, we discussed your options when you are married and only one of you is in a nursing home. Medicaid rules are very different when you are both in a nursing home or you are single and in a …
Spouse in a Nursing Home
Your spouse is in a nursing home. You are paying out $6,000 or more per month for their care. You have been told that you can only keep ½ of your combined assets and have to spend down the rest …
Taking Care of Mom or Dad at Home
Mom or Dad can no longer live on their own and you have decided to take them into your own home to live with you. Your home doesn’t have enough room so you decide to add a bedroom and a …
Divestment Penalties
As we have discussed in prior columns (6/13/10 and 6/20/10), you have to spend down your excess assets before Medicaid will pay for your nursing home expenses. In order to spend down excess assets and qualify for Medicaid, I often …
Medicaid and Your Home
You or your spouse is in a nursing home. You have spent down your assets on nursing home care except for your home. Will you be able to keep your home? The answer is a qualified, maybe. There are certain …
Medicaid and Nursing Home Spend Down
You have probably heard that you have to spend down all of your assets on nursing home costs to a mere $2,000 before Medicaid will pay for your nursing home care. Often what you are not told is those assets …
Titling of Assets
So you have your trust based estate plan. In addition to your trust, your trust based estate plan should also include, at a minimum, your financial and healthcare powers of attorney and your pour-over will. Your financial and healthcare powers …
Medical Decision Making for Young Adult Children
It is the high school graduation season and now time for my annual column for young adults. If you have any adult high school or college aged children, they are responsible for making their own medical and mental health care …