Currently browsing Estate Planning

Simplify Your Life

Preparing for your estate plan can be a lot of work. Not only do you have to decide who is going to do what when, you have to organize your affairs, so they can. To properly prepare your estate plan, …

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Incapacity and Financial Powers of Attorney

Have you ever thought about what would happen to your real estate, bank accounts, investments and other property (your “stuff”) if you could not take care of them because of your mental disability due to an accident, illness or injury? …

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Essential Estate Planning Documents

It has been a couple of years since I have discussed estate planning basics. Today’s column will be a refresher course. You may think of estate planning as only death planning. However, estate planning also includes lifetime planning in the …

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How To Select an Estate Planning Attorney

Finding the right attorney to plan your estate can be a significant challenge. It may be the first contact that you will ever have with an attorney. What qualities should you look for in an estate planning attorney? Do not …

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Nov Savvy Financial Moves at Fifty

When you reach fifty, if you are like many others your age, you look at things a little differently. You are now on the downside of life. You likely have more years behind you than ahead of you. Retirement, which …

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Helping Kids to Be Helpless

You love your children. You do not like to see them struggle or have a difficult time with life. Your parenting instincts kick in and you just want to help them out. You bail them out, again and again. But …

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To Gift Or Not To Gift

You have probably heard from family or friends that you can give up to $10,000 per year without having to report or pay tax on it. As is the case with most legal and tax advice you hear from family …

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Sep Savvy Education Trusts

You are thinking about leaving something to the grandkids when you are gone. Or, you don’t have any children of your own and want to leave an inheritance to your nieces and nephews or great nieces and great nephews. However, …

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