Currently browsing Estate Planning

Moving In With The Kids

You can no longer live on your own and you have decided to move in with one of your children. Before you move in with your child, you should have discussions with them regarding the living arrangements. If your child …

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Medical Treatment in the Home

The past couple of weeks we have been discussing caring for seniors in their own homes. But what if you need additional medical services that a non-medical in-home caregiver can provide? Let’s say for example, after a hospitalization, you need …

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Cross-Train Your Spouse

If you are married and are like most married couples, you and your spouse have divvied up the household duties. Often times, you divide the chores into the areas that you each enjoy, or more often, detest the least. One …

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Pitfalls of Deed Joint Ownership

The last few weeks, we have been discussing deeds and how just a small change in the words can make a huge difference in the ownership interest conveyed by a deed. I regularly see deeds drafted by individuals who have …

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What’s In a Deed

The last few weeks, we have discussed the different types of deeds, the different types of ownership interests of a deed and the rights of deed co-owners. Today we will discuss the elements of a deed. Most deeds start with …

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Deeds Deeds and more Deeds

If you own your own home you have probably seen a deed. But did you know that the words you use on the deed can make a huge difference on how the real estate is going to be treated for …

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