You are doing ok now. You are paying your bills, still able to balance your checkbook and do your own banking. But it is getting to be a real chore. It just seems harder to do now. If that is …
Currently browsing Powers of Attorney for Finances
Medical and Mental Health Care Decision Making For Your Young Adult Child
It is the graduation season and now time again for my annual column for young adults. If you have any adult high school or college aged children, do you know who can make their medical and mental health care decisions …
I am a Life Insurance or Account Beneficiary and the Owner Died – What Do I Do Now?
Last week, we discussed what you should do if you were named a joint owner on an account or real estate, and your joint owner died. This week we are going to talk about named beneficiaries. Let’s say that Mom, …
Top Estate Planning Misconceptions
As you go through life, you probably have found that there is no shortage of people who want to give you estate planning advice. This may include your family and friends. Very often, estate planning matters are the subject of …
Medical Decision Making for Young Adult Children
It is the high school graduation season and now time for my annual column for young adults. If you have any adult high school or college aged children, they are responsible for making their own medical and mental healthcare decisions. …
Disability Easier With Trusts
You finally have decided to get your estate planning documents in place. However, you haven’t decided to get a trust, or settle for a will with financial and healthcare powers of attorney. You are not alone. Many people debate whether …
Incapacity and Financial Powers of Attorney
Have you ever thought about what would happen to your real estate, bank accounts, investments and other property (your “stuff”) if you could not take care of them because of your mental disability due to an accident, illness or injury? …
Essential Estate Planning Documents
It has been a couple of years since I have discussed estate planning basics. Today’s column will be a refresher course. You may think of estate planning as only death planning. However, estate planning also includes lifetime planning in the …
How To Select an Estate Planning Attorney
Finding the right attorney to plan your estate can be a significant challenge. It may be the first contact that you will ever have with an attorney. What qualities should you look for in an estate planning attorney? Do not …
Young Families Need Planning Too
You are married. You have a couple of young, healthy children. You are still young yourself. Life is good. Why would you have to worry about estate planning? Isn’t that for when you die, or for people older than you? …