You may have that special ring that you want your daughter to have after you are gone. Or you may have Grandma’s antique bureau that your son has always admired. You may want Auntie’s antique silver tea set to go …
Currently browsing Wills
Top Estate Planning Misconceptions
As you go through life, you probably have found that there is no shortage of people who want to give you estate planning advice. This may include your friends. The likelihood is that you realize that these friends are not …
Providing for Special Needs Children
You may have a special needs child who is developmentally disabled and/or legally incapacitated. As a result of this disability or incapacity, your child may also be on some form of governmental assistance such as Supplemental Security Income or Medicaid. …
Essential Estate Planning Documents
You may think of estate planning as only death planning. However, estate planning also includes lifetime planning in the event of your mental incapacity. If you are like most people I have encountered, you would rather have your loved ones …
Indecision No Excuse for Not Planning
If you are like 70% of adults in Michigan, you have done no estate planning. You have not prepared a will, trust or financial or health care powers of attorney. The big question is: Why not? One reason you may …
Even Estates of the Rich & Famous Can Crash & Burn
If you are like most people, statistically 70%, you have done no estate planning. If that is the case, you are in good(bad) company. There are many others that also have not planned. You would think that attorneys, trained legal …
Them Pesky Beneficiaries NO GREEDY DAUGHTERS
You have been named and are now acting as personal representative of mom or dad’s estate or trustee of their trust. You are a fiduciary, who is someone who handles funds or property of another. You have a fiduciary duty …
Planning for Second Marriages Can be Tricky
You may have been widowed or divorced, so you are now in a second or even third marriage. You both came to the marriage with your own separate property. However, you also may have property that you have accumulated during …
How to Leave an Inheritance to your Spouse
Are you married? Did you plan on leaving anything to your spouse when you are gone? If so, you have lots of options. There are many ways to leave an inheritance to your spouse. If your spouse is going to …
Planning For Charitable Gifts
If you are like most people, you are charitably minded and regularly support your favorite charities. However, have you ever thought about what happens to those charities after you are no longer around to make your annual gifts? After your …