You think have a valid corporation or a limited liability company (also called an “LLC”) because you have filed with the State. But do you have a valid business entity? Most business owners organize their business as a corporation or …
Currently browsing Taxation
How To Select an Estate Planning Attorney
Finding the right attorney to plan your estate can be a significant challenge. It may be the first contact that you will ever have with an attorney. What qualities should you look for in an estate planning attorney? Do not …
Planning for Second Marriages Can be Tricky
You may have been widowed or divorced, so you are now in a second or even third marriage. You and your spouse both came to the marriage with your own separate property. However, you also may have property that you …
To Gift Or Not To Gift
You have probably heard from family or friends that you can give up to $10,000 per year without having to report or pay tax on it. As is the case with most legal and tax advice you hear from family …
Tax Deferred Exchanges
The real estate market is starting to pick up again. Prices are rising. You have decided to sell the rental or other business or investment property you have owned for years. You have been holding off selling because you have …
Hiring Caregivers In The Home
Last week we discussed family members coming in to take care of Mom or Dad in their home when they are unable to care for themselves. But what if you are the primary caregiver and can’t quit work to care …
Reasons to do Estate Planning
As of January 2, 2013, the Federal estate and gift tax exemption amount has been permanently increased. If you pass away in 2013 and your lifetime and after-death transfers are under $5.125 million, your estate passes to your loved ones, …
March Savvy AMT Relief in the 2012 American Taxpayer Relief Act
The recently enacted 2012 American Taxpayer Relief Act signed by President Obama January 2, 2013 is a sweeping tax package. It includes, among many other things, “permanent” relief from the alternative minimum tax (“AMT”) for individual taxpayers. Earlier temporary measures …
AFTER 2012 Estate and Gift Tax Provisions
In recent columns, we talked about some of the highlights of the recently enacted 2012 American Taxpayer Relief Act. In addition to “permanently” extending the Bush-era tax cuts for most taxpayers, revising tax rates on ordinary and capital gain income …
AFTR 2012 Extenders
Last week we talked about some of the highlights of the recently enacted 2012 American Taxpayer Relief Act. In addition to “permanently” extending the Bush-era tax cuts for most taxpayers, revising tax rates on ordinary and capital gain income for …