If something happened to you and you were unable to care for your minor children, what would happen? If you became incapacitated or died, who would take care of your children, where would they live and who would make medical …
How to Leave an Inheritance to your Spouse
You and your spouse may have one of the most common type of estate plans between married persons which is the “Honey I love you, I leave it all to you” plan. With this type of plan, you leave all …
Federal Estate Tax is a Voluntary Tax
You have probably heard a lot of talk about the Federal estate tax and about its so-called repeal. In our current estate tax system your estate will be subject to Federal estate tax if your taxable estate is more than …
Trust Your Trust v1 Single Column
The use of Trusts as an estate planning tool has become more prevalent over the last few years. There are however, still some misconceptions about the use of trusts. Many still believe that trusts should only be used if taxpayers …
Dresser Drawer Deeds
“I don’t have to worry about probate because I have a quit claim deed.” You have probably heard this statement from family or friends or have said it yourself. You may attempt to do your own mini estate plan by …
How to Prevent Medical Conflicts
There has been a lot of talk about living wills and health care powers of attorney lately. These legal documents (often called health care directives) are important because they make your medical wishes known if you can not speak for …
Buying a Home
You may be looking to buy a new home. A common mistake many people make after finding a home they like, is to sign a purchase agreement, also called an offer to purchase, and then bring the signed agreement to …
Medicare Enrollment Starts November 15
If you are over the age of 65, it’s that time of year to review your Medicare plans. Once a year from November 15 through December 31, those eligible for Medicare have the option to change existing Medicare Part D …
The Seven Most Common Trust Mistakes
Many people use revocable or living trusts in their estate plans. Living trusts are very powerful planning tools that you can use for all kinds of purposes. Trusts can avoid probate, protect your beneficiaries from their creditors or divorcing spouses, …
The Truth About Medicaid Eligibility v1
There are many misconceptions about Medicaid and Medicaid eligibility. You will have undoubtedly received information from family, friends or others. Such information will be well intentioned, but most of the time it is only partly true. Medicaid laws are complex …