It is the high school graduation season and now time for my annual column for young adults. If you have any adult high school or college aged children, they are responsible for making their own medical and mental healthcare decisions. …
Currently browsing Estate Planning
You or your loved one may have a do-not-resuscitate (“DNR”) order. A DNR order is a document that sets forth your wishes of no resuscitation or other heroic measures in the event your heartbeat or breathing stops. In such a …
Beware the Annuity Peddler
You may have invested some or all of your nest egg in annuities. Are you aware of all of the terms and conditions of your annuities? Do you know the cost to you when the time comes that funds are …
Trust Protectors to the Rescue
So you have named your children as your successor trustees of your trust, the personal representative in your will or your financial power of attorney. You may have named your oldest child first as your financial agent because you think …
Buying a Used Vehicle
Some people are new car people. Some people are used car people. I have only purchased three new cars in my life. The last new car I bought was in 1995, when I bought a brand spanking new Saturn SW2 …
Who’s In Charge of the Funeral
Last week, we discussed the importance of planning for your funeral and making sure your final wishes are known. Even when you do write everything down, who is going to be in charge of the funeral? For example, let’s say …
Disability Easier With Trusts
You finally have decided to get your estate planning documents in place. However, you haven’t decided to get a trust, or settle for a will with financial and healthcare powers of attorney. You are not alone. Many people debate whether …
Planning for Unexpected Events
You may think of estate planning as death planning, but it is much more than that. Estate planning includes lifetime planning. The first component of estate planning is: I want to control my property while I am alive and well. …
The Stuff People Fight Over
You may have that special ring that you want your daughter to have after yo are gone. Or you may have Grandma’s antique bureau that your son has always admired. You may want Auntie’s antique silver tea set to go …
Indecision No Excuse for Not Planning
If you are like 70% of adults in Michigan, you have done no estate planning. You have not prepared a will, trust or financial or health care powers of attorney. The big question is: Why not? One reason you may …