If you are like most people, you probably have some specific issues regarding the disposal of your remains. You may want to be buried in a coffin, with a burial vault, in the ground, or you may want to be …
Currently browsing Elder Law
Medicare Alphabet Soup
If you are over the age of 65, you usually will have a red, white and blue Medicare card. However, do you understand the alphabet soup of Medicare Parts A, B, C and D? The original Medicare, and prior to …
When Can Mom or Dad Sign Their Will
Mom or Dad is already in the nursing home and has symptoms of dementia from Alzheimer’s. Is it possible for Mom or Dad to still sign their will and powers of attorney? Short answer: Depends. There is a firmly imbedded …
How to Prevent Medical Conflicts
There has been a lot of talk about living wills and health care powers of attorney lately. These legal documents (often called health care directives) are important because they make your medical wishes known if you can not speak for …
Medicare Enrollment Starts November 15
If you are over the age of 65, it’s that time of year to review your Medicare plans. Once a year from November 15 through December 31, those eligible for Medicare have the option to change existing Medicare Part D …
The Truth About Medicaid Eligibility v1
There are many misconceptions about Medicaid and Medicaid eligibility. You will have undoubtedly received information from family, friends or others. Such information will be well intentioned, but most of the time it is only partly true. Medicaid laws are complex …
Medicaid Eligibility-Top 8 Mistakes
1. Thinking it’s too late to plan. It’s almost never too late to take planning steps, even after a senior has moved to a nursing home. 2. Giving away assets too early. First, it’s your money (or your house, or …